Title: Player Dossiers: Analyzing Gameplay Data as a Reward
Author: Ben Medler
Year: 2011
Additional: Game Studies 11 (1)
Available at: http://gamestudies.org/1101/articles/medler
Recording player gameplay data has become a prevalent feature in many games and platform systems. Players are now able to track their achievements, analyze their past gameplay behaviour and share their data with their gaming friends. A common system that gives players these abilities is known as a player dossier, a data-driven reporting tool comprised of a player’s gameplay data. Player dossiers presents a player’s past gameplay by using statistical and visualization methods while offering ways for players to connect to one another using online social networking features. This paper presents a framework for understanding how player dossiers function and fit into the process of playing games. While a common feature of player dossier systems is to merely list the rewards a player has received during play these systems also validate other gameplay motivations that may interest players besides gathering achievements. Player dossiers contextualize gameplay allowing players to analyze what they find important and share gaming information with a wider community. This turns the process of exploring past gameplay into its own reward beyond any awarded to a player in game.
Recording Game Data
Validating Motives
Contextualizing Gameplay
Analyzing Dossiers
Creating Social Capital
Discussion and Conclusion